Coronavirus resources
Following are some important web links about the coronavirus outbreak, including health background; government regulations and programs; how to seek help; and how to help others. Suggestions for additions or changes are welcome, to
Washington State Department of Health web page on the coronavirus (includes the Governor’s emergency orders):
King County Board of Public Health web page on the coronavirus (includes emergency orders that apply only to King County; and fact sheets in several languages):
National Public Radio’s Science Friday has excellent coverage, including a half-hour show about the science behind hand washing, sanitizers, and other means of protection:
Seattle Mayor web page on the coronavirus:
Seattle City Council web page on the coronavirus: … d-19-information-and-resources
Guidance on when, and when not, to call 911 Seattle Fire Department: click here. WA Division of Emergency Management graphic: click here; and WA State Department of Health: … aredBeSafe/GetReady/Calling911
Municipal Research and Services Center (WA) web page on coronavirus resources: … Public-Health-Emergencies.aspx
Seattle Times ongoing coverage of coronavirus:
Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division web page on coronavirus: … ng-respiratory-infections.aspx
U.S. Centers for Disease Control web page on protecting against coronavirus:
World Health Organization web page on the coronavirus:
Federation of American Scientists web page on the science of the coronavirus (debunks misinformation):
Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center web page with extensive medical and public health guidance and background:
Federal Trade Commission web page on coronavirus scams: … ronavirus-scams-what-ftc-doing
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau web page on coronavirus consumer issues: http://www.consumerfinance.go … lly-from-impact-of-coronavirus
Office of the Washington Insurance Commissioner web page on insurance aspects of coronavirus:
Freedom Project Video and audio gatherings to drop in and connect with other humans to ask for and give support, combat isolation, and stay connected. By Zoom computer link: By phone: (669) 900-6833 then enter the meeting ID: 312 485 900.
Donate for workers who are suddenly unemployed Because federal emergency aid and state unemployment benefits will be slow and limited, several organizations are raising funds to enable quick, supplemental payments. For restaurant workers in the Seattle area, two such opportunities are: the Plate Fund; and the Seattle Hospitality Emergency Fund.
Donate to the University District Food Bank High need items: hygiene/sanitary products (toilet paper, hand soap, shampoo, conditioner, dental items, etc.), canned foods (protein and vegetable items), meat, other nonperishable items (pasta, oatmeal, rice, etc.), infant supplies, and paper bags with handles. For address, hours for drop-off of donated items, and more on what is needed, click here. Monetary donations are especially needed at present; to donate on-line, click here.
Donate to Eastlake Restaurant Relief Click here This is the only public fund that is raising money to assist workers for Eastlake businesses that are financially hit by layoffs and closures. Donations are urgently needed.
Making masks at home Washington Post and New York Times.
Donate urgently needed Personal Protective Equipment for health care workers and others on the front line For state and local donation web sites, a list of needed items, and how to donate via Eastlake’s Kelley-Ross Pharmacy, click here or see Announcements page of this ECC web site. Also, some web sites are organizing donations: Your Supplies Save Lives WA; the City of Seattle Protective Equipment Donation Site; and the Seattle Mask Brigade.
Donate emergency funds to hospitals Example is the UW Medicine Emergency Response Fund.
Other opportunities to donate and volunteer Examples are listings by the the King County Division of Emergency Management, the Seattle Fire Department and United Way of King County.