Food, housing, and social services for those in need
Below are listings of food, housing, and social services available for those in need. Suggestions for changes or additions to this list are welcome, to
Hot lines and other phone numbers
Police, Fire, Medic One: Dial 911
24-Hr Crisis Line: 1-866-427-4747
King County 2-1-1: 1-800-621-4636
Teen Link: 1-866-833-6546
WA Recovery Help Line: 1-866-789-1511
WA Warm Line: 1-877-500-9276
Help for Victims of Human Trafficking: 1-888-3737-888
Help for Victims of Sexual Assault: 1-888-998-6423
Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-888-847-7205
Elder Abuse Hotline: 1-866-363-4276
TTY: 206-461-3610
For services such as for emergency shelter or emotional or mental health issues: Dial 211 hotline (8 a.m.-6 p.m. M-F) .
University District Food Bank: (206) 523-7060
City of Seattle Customer Service Bureau: 206-684-2489
Web links
Crisis Connections (formerly the Crisis Clinic):
Resources for those who are homeless:
University District Food Bank:
City of Seattle Customer Service Bureau:
Affordable housing resources for renters:
Senior citizen assistance: … g/community-living-connections
HEN (Housing and Essential Needs such as transportation, utilities, hygiene and cleaning supplies):
United Way opportunities to provide help or volunteer:
University District Food Bank 5017 Roosevelt Way NE,Seattle WA 98105; (206) 523-7060. Web site: or click here. Provides free and nutritious food to anyone who is hungry and resides in Eastlake’s zip code, 98102, or in the other northeast Seattle zip codes (98103, 98105, 98112, 98115, 98125). Users may receive groceries once per week and are asked (waived for homeless persons) to show a photo I.D. and current proof of address (mail received at the address within the past 30 days, rent receipt, utility bill, cable bill, etc.). The University District Food Bank is supported by individuals, churches, government, and many local businesses. Over 80% of the items that it distributes are donated to the Food Bank, and it must purchase the rest. In December of each year, the Eastlake Community Council holds an annual drive for cash and in-kind donations to the Food Bank, which also accepts donations on-line.
University District Urban Rest Stop 1415 43rd Ave. NE ( A clean, safe and welcoming facility where individuals and families can use restrooms, shower and laundry facilities. Services are provided at no cost to patrons. Additional facilities are located in Ballard and downtown; the downtown facility is larger with expanded hours.
1811 Eastlake Ave ( Operated by the Downtown Emergency Services Center, providing supportive housing to 75 formally homeless men and women with chronic alcohol addiction; residents are allowed to drink in their rooms, and research suggests that their alcohol consumption is less than when they are homeless. (Note that addresses in our Eastlake neighborhood have “East” at the end, whereas 1811 Eastlake Avenue is a downtown address that is more than a mile south, near where Eastlake Avenue terminates at Stewart Street).
Suggestions for changes and additions to the above information are welcome, to