Lake Union background

“The lake is a treasure.” — the late Richard Haag, designer of Gas Works Park

Lake Union is among the world’s most urban lakes. At the geographic and population center of Seattle, the lake supports every conceivable use. Shipyards, yacht moorages, residences near and on the water, a major fish run, shore birds, beavers, eagles, motor boating, barge traffic, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, international seaplane traffic, fireworks, many other forms of recreation, historic landmarks like Gas Works Park and the Lake Union Steam Plan (ZymoGenetics). And more.

As was the rest of the Seattle area 12,000 years ago, the area we know now as Lake Union was covered by an ice sheet about 3000 feet thick. The ice sheet’s glacier-like impact gouged out the lake, parts of which are 50 feet deep.

Native Americans referred to this lake as Tenas Chuck (”little water”). One their camps existed at the lake’s south end until at least 1875. Unfortunately, the early white settlers eventually prohibited Native Americans from living within the Seattle city limits. A few Native Americans remained, including Cheshiahud, for whom the walking and bicycling route around the lake is now named.

The 1918 construction of the ship canal connecting Lake Washington to Puget Sound raised Lake Union somewhat, and brought shipyards and other industry. It also made Lake Union also a river, part of the Green River system draining from Lake Sammamish and Lake Washington into Salmon Bay and Puget Sound.

Many acres of Lake Union have since been filled in, mostly from the city’s various regrades, and some from the I-5 construction.

Dating back to the Eastlake Community Council’s founding in 1971, one of its six official purposes is “To maximize public use and enjoyment of the inland waters and shorelines adjoining the Eastlake community.” ECC efforts toward that end include the Fairview Green Street, the Edgar-Hamlin shoreline walkway gap, and seaplane issues.