Hotline Numbers
Emergency Contacts
Police, Fire, Explosion hazard or Health Emergency: Dial 911
Non-Emergency Police: (206) 625-5011 (dial 2 and then 8 to reach dispatcher)
Non-Emergency fire or explosion hazard: (206) 386-1400
Harbor Patrol: (206) 684-4071
Crisis hot lines and other phone numbers
24-Hr Crisis Line: 1-866-427-4747
King County 2-1-1: 1-800-621-4636
Teen Link: 1-866-833-6546
WA Recovery Help Line: 1-866-789-1511
WA Warm Line: 1-877-500-9276
Help for Victims of Human Trafficking: 1-888-3737-888
Help for Victims of Sexual Assault: 1-888-998-6423
Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-888-847-7205
Elder Abuse Hotline: 1-866-363-4276; TTY: 206-461-3610
For services such as for emergency shelter or emotional or mental health issues: Dial 211 hotline (8 a.m.-6 p.m. M-F) .
City of Seattle Customer Service Bureau: 206-684-2489
[Note: also on this web site, the page on Housing, Food, and Social Services has hotlines and web links]
Aircraft noise
Port of Seattle (206) 433-5393
Building or land use violation
Seattle Department of Planning and Development: (206) 615-0808 or … Filing_a_Complaint/default.asp
Illegal camping
City of Seattle Customer Service Bureau: 206-684-2489
On-line service request: … .mvc/SRIntakeStep2?id=CSGENINQ
Find it, Fix it mobile app: … reau/find-it-fix-it-mobile-app
Dumping violaton
Dial 911 if in progress
Non-emergency Police: (206) 625-5011 (dial 2 and then 8 to reach dispatcher)
Seattle Public Utilities: (206) 684-7587
Seattle Harbor Patrol (Police): (206) 684-4071
Seattle Department of Planning and Development: (206) 615-0808
Seattle Public Utilities: (206) 684-7587
Flooding on a street (or plugged storm drain)
Seattle Public Utilities: (206) 386-1800 or click
Graffiti reporting
Dial 911 if in progress
Non-emergency Police: (206) 625-5011 (dial 2 and then 8 to reach dispatcher)
Seattle Public Utilities (206) 684-7587; or … a6795496bab0760e0a725e00b&srID
Construction noise: Seattle Department of Planning and Development: (206) 615-0808 or … Filing_a_Complaint/default.asp
Other noise: Dial 911 or the Non-Emergency Police number: (206) 625-5011 (dial 2 and then 8 to reach dispatcher)
Oil/chemical spill in or near lake
Dial 911 if dumping is in progress
Coast Guard: (206) 217-6200; *CG(24) for cellular
Seattle Harbor Patrol (Police): (206) 684-4071
Puget Soundkeeper: (206) 286-1309
Oil/chemical spill in City street or storm drain
Dial 911 if dumping is in progress
Seattle Public Utilities: (206) 386-1800.
Pet lost or abandoned
Animal Control (206) 386-7387
Raw Sewage
Seattle Public Utilities: (206) 684-7587; or … facewater/surfacewaterForm.asp
State Department of Ecology: (206) 649-7000
Water line break or potential leak
Seattle Public Utilties: (206) 386-1800.; or at
Wildlife injury or death
Dial 911 if cruelty or harm to wildlife is in progress
State Department of Ecology: (206) 649-7000